Monday, June 22, 2009

For the things a man is good for....

And now I hear her sayin'

Babe I still need a man for the things a man is good for

You know how it is raisin' crops

and raisin' kids

Demands a man at least as fit as you are

So come on git on home there's hay that needs a mowin'

A boy that needs a whippin'

and a hundred things to do

If you want to know my mind leave that rodeo (beach) bum behind

Don't waste our time I'm waitin' here for you

John's Present for Father's Day - a week long sailing trip to the Outer Banks of North Carolina (he just has to make sure 12 boys scouts don't drown too)

Thank you, Chris LeDoux and Silence on the Line, for putting into words my daily thoughts.

Hurry home Dada. We love and need you.


Dustin and Taralee said...

I miss Chris Ledoux.

HappYness said...

Get a BLOG, Dustin!

Jaymie Quigley said...

Love the pictures. It's good to hear from you. If you manage to convince your baby sitter that adoption is a good thing, hook us up!

Amanda said...

Cute post and I really like the pictures!

Chelsea Parsons said...

loved this a week ago, love it now. Where are all the rocks by the house??? Let me see a bigger picture? Gotta go take Dave to work.

Chelsea Parsons said...
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Chelsea Parsons said...

where you at? Is it that good of a summer?