Have opinions of his own......

Get frustrated at his toys......

Lift heavy objects.....

with ease......

Wear big boy shoes...... and get them filthy, muddy and gross along with himself......

Almost walk but still bum scoot enough to wear out his britches......

Ride on Dada's truck in style.......

Eat everything with gusto......

And wear everything he eats..... and throw everthing he doesn't eat......

Eat watermelon like nobody's business.....

Get the attention of an entire room with a manly, deep throated chuckle.... cover everyone with kisses.... wallow in the bed with the best of them......

Must be 1 year old Elias McKean Genho. Happy Birthday baby Lias. We love everything about you.

1 year old stats: 27 lbs (99%) ....26 inches (50%) .....head size 19 3/4 inches (95%) .....says Mama sometimes ..... sleeps all night like a charm ..... crawls and climbs over most anything ...... walks 1 step between things ...... gives the best open mouth kisses and cuddly hugs......blows raspberries as soon as I say "pucky, pucky"....... knows what a horse is ..... dances to Dada's guitar ..... grunts and chuckles for anything he wants ......8 teeth ..... best baby ever.
In that first picture he is looking more like Nathan. Very cute pictures...can't wait to see the little chub!
awww, he sure is growing up fast. I should check out what he weighs in kilos... I reckon he's WAY heavier than Rowan! Happy birthday gorgeous boy. Keep those dimples smiling at your Mumma!!!
Happy Birthday Lias! He sure is cute Lynnie. Come visit us again!
25 lbs= half a sack of grain. He better start being able to take more than one step at a time sometime soon! Does he weigh as much as Nathan yet?
What a cute post! I loved the pictures. He truly is a sweet little baby and he makes me laugh! I hope he had a great birthday! :)
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