Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Lions and Elephants and Giraffes.. and a Hungry Hippo too

This year we had a sort of theme -

African Animals

inspired by the $2 giraffe heads I found at the thrift store and the fact that the kids are into Africa cause Becky is there. I stayed up way too late making

Ava's elephant head

Lias' hippo head

and then the morning of Ava's preschool Halloween party I realized that

Nathan's Lion Costume

(which was supposed to be 3-4T) didn't fit him so I frantically cut the pants apart and the face off and sewed in the new hair. He still didn't like it but appreciated all the candy it got him. And what did I get for all my hard work? A nasty sore throat that has turned into a cough and cold. But I also got some

dang cute kids
and a

Visit from Auntie Sarah and Uncle Joe
who guarded the candy, hauled around the hippo, and shared in the loot
of course
and a

Hungry, Hungry Hippo
and a

What you lookin' at??
look from Lias
and a

Sweet kiss from a giraffe.

Pretty good Halloween, all in all. I'm off to scrounge the candy.


Erin said...

Those giraffe heads are hilarious.

Sarah Penelope said...

Thanks for letting us come share in your fun and cuteness!

Kristen said...

I remember you talking about the heads, but I had no ideas they were that tall! The kissing picture is pretty cute.

Anonymous said...


Chelsea Parsons said...

oh you are too clever. I loved Halloween loot. you know every time I read a blog post from you I just wanna cry cause I miss you so much.