I finally sat down on the couch to try to hand stitch some of the dang costumes and started watching Baby Einstein with him. If anyone knows Nathan, they know he is addicted to Baby Einstein and has been since he was like 6 months. It's the only thing he'll actually pay attention to, even for hours if you put it on the continuous loop setting (this is a common occurance around here about 4:30 while I'm trying to make dinner). Lucky for us he also gives a running commentary of the show. Pretty soon this picture came up:

Nathan turned to me and in the most pitiful little boy voice said:
"Oh, where's he friend Ava? He needs he friend Ava"
And all the sudden I knew exactly how poor little Nathan was feeling, in a way only a 2 yr old can tell you. He was so lonely and sad that Ava had left him that morning and was so sad for this poor penguin who's friend Ava had obviously left him all alone that morning too.
Watching these two play together lately is pretty amusing yet touching. Ava has introduced Nathan into make believe and it's been so fun to watch them run around pretending there are helicopters after them or scary giraffes in the next room. They really do like each other most of the time and it's so sweet to watch the way Nathan adores Ava.
Watching these two play together lately is pretty amusing yet touching. Ava has introduced Nathan into make believe and it's been so fun to watch them run around pretending there are helicopters after them or scary giraffes in the next room. They really do like each other most of the time and it's so sweet to watch the way Nathan adores Ava.
That is just so cute!! What an adorable little brood you're raising Lynnie.
He is such a sweet boy. I miss he and he friend Ava...and sweetie Lias, too. Come soon.
giraffes are not scary! :-)
Lynnie that was such a cute post. I hope you print off your blog into a book once or twice a year so you can keep all these memories. I love the updates!
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