Thursday, June 23, 2011

Can someone tell me why this song won't leave me alone?

You know how you watch a movie and it sucks you in? Well, I don't watch many movies so when I picked this one instead of a nap on the flight home from Iceland, I was more than ready to give up on it and get my nap if it didn't suck me in. It did. I don't know why, other than the music and the whole country lifestyle thingy. Hard decisions about big life events coming up so it must have hit a cord. Whatever it is, I can't stop listening to this song and all the others he sings. Something about it…..soulful and twangy…. speaks right to me.

(PS. This was the only video I could find but it's a little PG rated so be careful if your kids watch!)


Dustin and Taralee said...

You have good taste in music, thats why!

Erin said...

Can't agree with you on this one...couldn't take more than a minute of this guy's voice! But we've always known that you have strange taste in most things. :)

I'm pretty impressed that you lasted through that movie. I heard it was terrible, and have had enough of Gwenyth Paltrow singing on other programs I watch to be tortured by a whole movie about her singing!

Post Iceland pictures already!

Chelsea Parsons said...

Will you hurry and post Iceland pics!

Chelsea Parsons said...

oh and the song... you are a hillbilly!