Tuesday, January 04, 2011

A Little Post-Holiday Cheer from Lias

Lias got pretty good at most of the Christmas songs this season. I caught him singing this one while I was in the middle of vacuuming. He's pretty cute and I'm pretty impressed that I finally got a video on here!


Leanne said...

Cute! I was hoping to hear him sing one of the naughty Christmas songs I overheard while on the phone with you the other day.. haha.

Lynnie said...

Oh! I have to get him to sing I'm getting nuttin for Christmas.. it's hilarious.

Becky the European! said...

hahahaha. I love it. How cute is that!! Should I put some videos of Dada on my blog? :-p

Spring said...

what a little doll!

Chelsea Parsons said...

I should film Rowan singing Away in a Manger... its all she sings! Cuuuute Lias. Love hearing your voice and daggy singing fill my study Lynnie! Its like you are here!

Kristen said...

I am going to kiss his little face. How cute is he?? I love that little smiley face he made at the end. And also that he turned on the radio in the middle of you singing--totally something my C would do.