Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Small and simple

Who knew that such a small little thing like weather stripping could make such a difference? I now do.

Last night = over 30 spiders in 45 minutes (remember this post?)

Tonight = Just a few (less than 10)

Let's hope this really works, cause I think it's just wrong for a 6 year old to not be phased as she shakes a 2 inch spider out of her jacket in the morning, or for a 2 year old's main form of entertainment to be pointing out "budg-s" for his mom to vacuum up. And let's all praise my husband, who bought, installed and fixed the door all on his own tonight.

But I really do wish he'd figured it out 4 years ago.


Anonymous said...

that is DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!! bbblllllleehhhhhhhh

Diane Donovan said...

Lynnie, I think it very healthy that Ava does not share your phobia of bugs and spiders. Glad you now have a way to keep them out of your space.!

Leanne said...

GROSS! Christian again said to me last night, "Why would you want to live in a place like that?!" haha. I love your farm but I'll NEVER come visit during spider season or you'll have to vacuum ME up off the floor after I die from fear!!

Laurel said...

Yeah, I'd have to agree with Dolly. I'm sure your farm is absolutely gorgeous this time of year - we'll have to come up for a day trip. Don't even want to think about sleeping over while those "pets" are running about!

Jeffrey said...
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Jeffrey said...

I promise I'm tougher than I look, but that is disgusting

Becky the European! said...

Ahhh! I hate them. :-( We had giant ones like that in Botswana, freaked me out.

Chelsea Parsons said...

ohh freak!