Ava turned 6 with a rocking pool/ocean/wet party theme. I love summer birthdays!

Ava Facts:
She's tall - the tallest in her class although one of the youngest. Ava's favorite things are ponies and cats and she's obsessed with stuffed animals. She has over 60 of them in her room and it's often hard to find her under them at night. She's an awesome babysitter and helper - the other day she got herself and the boys ready all ready for bed, including SHOWERS, teeth brushed and pajamas - entirely by herself! Wow! She loves nature and is a total tomboy, but cleans up pretty. We cut her hair again this summer since it's not so fun to have to fix your hair each day and fight snarls. She can out eat any of us in breakfast foods and she's obsessed with vanilla ice cream. She's awfully sweet and is always giving up whatever she has to make her little brothers happy. She's tenderhearted and doesn't like conflicts. She loves to draw and took art camp this summer. She has an incredible imagination and is constantly helping her animals while they're "giving birth." When she grows up she wants to be a veterinarian or a shelter owner. Oh, and she's lost 4 teeth - soon to be 5!
Looks like a fun birthday party! And Yes, Ava is a sweetheart. It was SO good to see you all!
I love the cupcakes! She's so big. Oh, oh, I am going to be in DC the weekend of September 25th for a conference. I think it ends the morning of the 26th- want to meet up?
Your description of Ava reminded me a lot of another young woman I know...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and this sweet and amazing girl is blessed with a mom who was also a sweet and amazing girl!
Susan Paulson
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