Artwork by Ava - age 4
Ava has turned into quite the little girly, girl in the past few weeks. She swoons over "getting married", has multiple babies daily, and changes her outfit at least 5 times a day. Her outfit of choice is a swingy, lacy, spaghetti strappy, silky white slip that has seen better days and is in bad need of a wash. Each day she tries to get it past me in some way, shape or form - under jeans and skirts mainly. We've compromised and decided she can wear it to bed each night, even though I think she's got to be freezing.
Last night we were all invited to her wedding reception - but we had to wear masks that she had custom made for each of us. She was marrying her "gu-room" (she's also adopted an ah-cent for these occasions), who's last name as HELBERTSON, not HEBRTSIN, as she mistakenly spelled it. I have no idea where in the world she pulled that name from but she was dead set on it.
We watched "Enchanted" as a family movie night a few days ago and her little face was so lit up as she watched. John and I kept turning to each other and smiling that sly little parent's grin when your kid is so stinking cute. She was especially enthralled when they kissed each other ON THE LIPS and lived Happily. Ever. After.
A few weeks ago her school was selling carnations to raise money. I'm usually pretty opposed to school fundraisers but I figured for $5 she'd probably get a thrill out of a few flowers. I was very surprised to see her step off the school bus with 4 roses. 3 of them were from us and 1 was from a little friend in her classroom and she thought they were beautiful. Here's the proof that Ava's first flowers were from her family and not some hairy-legged boy.
Oh man Lynnie- she's growing up already!! I hope John's got his shotgun out ready to be cleaned... haha
What a beautiful little princess!
Dang! She's getting old! :( but so pretty! I love the pearls on her- they really make her look grown-up! Can't wait to see you in a month!!!
awww she is a doll.... We have some weird things that get worn over and over too. I remember a little girl who Bethan was friends with in Ithaca who used to dress herself up pregnant all the time.... bathing suit full of stuff.. it looked pretty cool!
wow! time flies! I seriously don't feel like it's been that long since Ava was crawling around my house and now look at her! So Beautiful!!
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