I'm trying to use my Photoshop Elements that I got for my birthday but I think there's a little bit of a learning curve. I'm not quite happy with these yet but it's about as good as I think I'll get in the 30 minutes I steal here and there to play with them. Does anyone know of any good online Photoshop classes? And does anyone know if Photoshop Elements will support any actions that you can download free online? I've found a bunch for the CS2 version of Photoshop but, alas, I just can't justify or afford that yet. However, I just signed up for a digital photography class next month at the local highschool and I have high hopes that I'll actually learn how to use my fancy camera. Then maybe I can talk myself into the real deal Photoshop.
Lynnie, Check out the Pioneer Woman's photoshop tutorials. She has some great ideas, wonderful contributors, plus a lot of fun (free) add-ons. PLUS, you'd love to read her stuff. In all your free time. HA!
Every time you post new photos you just keep getting better and better. I wish I had even a spec of you photography talent. I really enjoy all of it. Keep on going!
These photos look fantastic............you are getting there. Of course having cute kids helps.
Your kids are cute. Your oldest boy is all Donovan!
HAve you googled it, thats what Dave always says to me!. I saw this which was interesting...
You can download something onto elements which enables you to get Photoshop actions. Anyway, type in free Elements actions and have a look. Two Peas have free classes in the digital section where you can learn a few things. And they had a great 12 week photography class! Wish I was there to teach you myself!!!!! Cant wait to see what you get up to with your Photography class!!! yipeeee!
awesome ideas ya'll thanks. Liza, i'm actually an avid fan of the Pioneer Woman and waste way too much time on her site. I love it but she mainly only has stuff for Photoshop, not elements. Chels, I'm going to google it right now. That's just what John would tell me to do too!
Hey Lynne! I found your blog through Jodi's. I actually majored in graphic design and do photography on the side, so if you ever need any photoshop help just let me know!
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