A Scenic Drive Over
John swears he needs to get me out more often cause he says he sees these all over on the farm but I was impressed enough to make him turn the car around to go take a picture. I've never seen one in the wild. John kept trying to convince me that they're just like a vulture. Even though this one was feasting on a dead deer, I wouldn't believe it and explained to the kids how this was our national bird. Then we got started on the whole conversation about the turkey almost being our national bird. Fun times.
My Mom making a Salad
I seriously don't think I've ever eaten a meal served at my parent's house without a green salad made with it. I rebelled this Thanksgiving and didn't leave room for it on the plate. And then I used my salad bowl for a second helping of John's delicious pie. Wicked, huh?
Nathan's Facial Expressions
This kid wins friends left and right.
Picking at the Turkey Before the Meal
They were even more impressed when she actually shared with them.
Ah! She's been caught red handed!
My dad has the luxury of not having to sneak his bites, or moderate them either at that.
A Fancy Dressed Table and People
A Fancy Dressed Table and People
Steve helped set the table a little and made me look like a obsessive wife cause I asked John to wear a nicer shirt.
But then he cleaned up nice and proved me right.
John and our kids and Laurel and her kids made us a delicious assortment of pies. We had pumpkin, apple, pecan, blueberry and cherry and all of them were organic and natural. We grew the pumpkin, collected and cracked the pecans from the tree in the backyard, and got the apples from the local orchard next to the farm. Laurel picked the blueberries and a friend gave her the cherries from their front yard tree. Either way, they were all delicious and all gone by the next day so we could take our pie tins home.
Nathan was very hungry and didn't mind being relegated to the little kids table. Actually, he was way excited to sit on old wheat buckets and to not have to wait for the prayer at the big table to eat. He was finished eating before we started.
I didn't get a picture of it cause I was too busy eating but the menu consisted of: turkey, cranberries, green bean casserole, whole wheat buns (my favorite - I ate 5), sweet potatoes, green salad, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy and soda. Now I'm hungry again.
Post Turkey Blues and Blahs
Nathan was ready to eat again, of course, by the time we got everything cleaned up.
Lias wanted nothing to do with the family love that everyone wanted to lavish on him.
The guys and Abby played Halo and Guitar Hero all afternoon.
I barely caught a glimpse of this clown (my 11 year old nephew Nick) and his hair as they ran past. He was forced to cut his hair that evening by his mom and Grandma had to do the dirty work. He looks much better now.
Poor Laurel and my mom got stuck with doing most of the dishes but luckily they had a happy attitude about it. I just couldn't help much cause Lias needed me to hold him. Darn.
And last but definitely not least -
What you'll end up looking like if you eat
Thanksgiving Dinner everyday.
What you'll end up looking like if you eat
Thanksgiving Dinner everyday.
I SO wish we had been there! Thanks for detailing it so well for us!
I LOVED that post! Great pictures.
I loved seeing:
*your Sweet Mom & Dad
*the Fam
*the pictures on the wall of Geneations
*the pies (yum!)
This is why I love blogging so much!
Tell all those cute family members, "Hello"!
I love all the chunk on Lias!
I love that your Lias is almost as chubby as my Eli.They really do look alike. Seriously if you darkened his hair a tiny bit they could be twins. Love seeing everyone.
It looks like you guys had a great Thanksgiving! I loved all the details you provided us with. I love TG day down at the Donovan's and wish we could have been there if a) we would have been in town, and b)if we got an invite this year! :)
I think we're coming down one day during the holidays so hopefully we'll be able to see you guys!
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