Sunday, November 16, 2008

Open House

This is what's been consuming my life for the past few weeks and will be for another week. I've been trying to talk John into having a house warming - open house since so many people have asked to see what we did to the inside of this house. The missionaries of our church have been asking us to have a "cottage meeting" where members of our church open their homes to get to know their neighbors and share our faith. The open house and cottage meeting have combined to be this but we told the missionaries they can be present but not proselyte. So anyone who's in the vicinity and wants to see our house when it's actually clean stop on by next Saturday from 4-6.
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1 comment:

Kristen said...

We'll be there. Okay, maybe not, but your cute invitation sure makes me want to come. You all did so much to the house--you really should show it off. Let us know how it goes.