You make the mess, you clean it up. Or at least you try to clean it up.

Our (me and my friend Beth) attempted photo shoot. We hung a black sheet up where we thought was good light and took over 200 shots. These are just a sampling of our subjects. We were trying to get some good shots of her little girl and I think we did an ok job, for my first try. I think I need help figuring out where the good light comes from though. I'm trying to get as good as all you fancy posters out there (ie my stinking sister-in-laws and Chels, who all live to far away to really help me - dang you all). Any advice?

I love all the pictures. I think you did a great job!!! As you've probably noticed, I'm just an okay photographer. I hope to take a class one day, hopefully after Jon finishes up with his doctorate.
I think they are great! I especially love the one of Lias. He's looks like he is very patiently submitting!
Bubbie! Bubbie! Bubbie!
Hi Lynnie! Merianne sent me your info & I will absolutely send you an invite to my blog!
Your kids are so cute! I'm glad you blog. I love keeping in touch with family I haven't seen in ages. Makes you seem closer!
I will be sure to stalk you on a regular basis!
Abby (Racker) Gertge
way to go gertrude! Try an unsharp filter. I use the actions that go on Photoshop from Two Peas called Pea Actions (http://www.twopeasinabucket.com/shop/58785/?f=c_287&c=24). Every photo I hit that unsharpen filter! It does the opposite and sharpens things up. Kinda boosts them. That's the number 1 thing I do.... you dont wanna know how much else fiddle farting around I do!
I love elias in the box with his extra fancy blanket
try increasing the saturation of the colors on all except red or orange depending on skin tone and boost the contrast
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