Elias is a very calm baby. He's perfectly content to sit and look around at everyone.
Nathan's happy to have a new little brother. He keeps on making a crying noise for Elias then saying "Elias no cry."

Ava was a little disappointed to not get a little sister at the ultrasound, but she's very happy to have a new little brother now.
Congratulations Genhos! What a cute and lucky little guy!!
The Oscarsons
oh yay yay yay yay. When I called the other night and got no answer I wondered where you were! So how long was labour... cant believe you rocked on into the hospital and bam... he was out! yipeeee. More photos soon ok! So glad everything went well. I'll call soon. xox
I have to tell you, Dale, my biggest was the easiest and happiest thing ever, he hardly ever asked to eat which makes sense because he was already huge. So enjoy it but don't do what I did, I ended up not feeding him enough and by the time he was nine month old he was pretty skinny but still happy. :)
Are you really home and blogging already? 9 lbs! I'm never having babies.
HI !!!I just got an email from Michelle and your comment was on there and now suddenly I have been looking at your beautiful happy life!! You're so funny about um. Carlos? the horse. Haha. I want him! I'll buy him and keep him behind the apartment. He can be the Ghetto horse. My parents' horse Simon has had no relief from excitement after having his er .. work done so good luck! Congratulations on having a little baby I'm so glad you're done being pregnant and that you have three little cutie pies. Your kids are so lucky to have the life they do. You can just sit around and veg and let the coutryside raise them and be totally as ease that they will turn out great. Well done cooking another one! I'll get your email off chels sometime. Talk to you soon. xoxo Amy McGlashan
John and Lynnie:
Congratulations on your new addition to the family. Wow, 9 lbs. is a pretty big boy. The MLB and NFL base a lot on size, so let me know if he has an agent yet.
I hope Lynnie is more comfortable now. Let us know if you need anything.
Tony Stinsa
Congrats! I'm glad he's here and you no longer have to be miserable and pregnant! He is adorable, and I can't believe that you gave birth to a 9lb+ baby. I admire you! Hope all is well! Can't wait to meet Elias (and Nathan for that matter!).
Hey Lynnie! Congrats! What a cutie. Well done Elias, you chose wisely!
Very cute family! But I'm still freaked out about how huge he looks and the fact he came out of you! He's the same size as Nathan! Good work Bootie and John!
okay so I finally am visiting your blog- I am glad there are lots of pictures of little elias or I mean big elias- he had eyebrows and a nose like John-
Any who I went and weighed little gracie today and she is a whopping 9lbs 4oz (7wks 5days) with diaper, onsie and bow so probably around 9lbs cause you know how I love big bows - she has almost made it to Elias birth weight
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