Saturday, March 01, 2008

The Day Has Come.....

So probably no one will ever read this anyway, since it's been almost 3 years since we moved to the country and lost touch with civilization, but I just thought I'd let the world know......that WE HAVE HIGH SPEED AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

That's right, I'm sitting in my bedroom typing, rather than tethered to the computer downstairs in the kitchen. We've been trying for months to get some sort of high speed internet out here but have hit dead ends everywhere. Until today, I have been dialing up at the lighting fast speed of 9.8 sometimes and 28.8 at the very fastest. I kid you not. It was enough to make me give up internet, all except checking emails and CNN which occupied an hour of my time just to do that. But not anymore, since my wonderful husband just got us Sprint highspeed. I can now actually see your email pictures, open your blogs and (gasp) watch things online!!

Anyway, we'll see if this makes me a better blogger or if my excuses just change. Hopefully, you'll hear more from me!