and to all a good night!
Isn't that all that a family with young kids really wants anyway? We could all use a little sleep over here but somebody had to go handout a Christmas card this year promising an update on the lives of the Genho family. What was I thinking? Since I haven't blogged well enough this year, this will be one heck of a post but just realize, you were forewarned! Here it is, in all it's glory -
We started the year with a foot of snow left over from Dec 2009 -we regretted not getting any pictures of the first storm until the end of January brought us 2+ more feet of the stuff.

We cried as our old friend Allie (John's border collie) passed away

but smiled as 2 new baby lambs were born in the middle of the storms.

Cabin fever and 2 weeks out of school must have made us crazy-in-the-head

John and Lynnie stole away to see the off-Broadway production of "Wicked" in Richmond

before the spring rush started on the farm.

Lias' obsession with John started to emerge

(Uncle Dan is a good substitute but Mama is NOT)

while Nathan has started a strange habit of wearing a single glove on his hand.

Spring blooms all over,

especially next door in Jenkins apple orchard.

Nathan lives for Ride N Romp every other Monday and burns up the gym on his bike.

The craziest month ever. Nathan turns 4 with an awesome, impromptu trip to Litchfield, SC to play in the ocean with the indispensable Ryan family.

Clover Hill is fancied up to host Lynnie's sister Laurel's wedding and over 300 guests.

Lynnie's whole family is invited

and naughty little boys that color

Papa (John's dad) drops by to get a shot at a Virginia turkey

but has no luck -darn, that just means he'll have to come try again!

Jocelyn decides to leave us for greener pastures in Boston and Lynnie cries tears of despair.
Even though he turned 2, Lias held onto his spot as baby of the family and both Lynnie and John were quite relieved at that feat.

John started his time at Duke with a week long visit so Lynnie and the crew ditched Ava's last day of kindergarten for impeding adventure.

Thankfully, they still let her graduate even though we pushed the limit for "excused educational absences".
After an awesome 8 hour roadtrip we arrived in Kentucky at the DeLuca home

and settled in to wait out John's return with Lynnie's old college roommate, Kristen and her adorable little man

The garden survived just fine without us

and soon John came back to lead the kids around on horseback after a day of work.

(More to come - it's 3 in the morning and I'm dead! As if anyone is still reading this monstrosity!)